Volunteer at Shelterhouse

Volunteer Opportunities

Shelterhouse utilizes volunteers to help maintain our facility, assist with programming, and support survivors in a variety of ways. Some recent volunteer projects include:

  • Repainting hallways in our facility
  • Assisting with landscaping and gardening needs
  • Building a swingset for children living in shelter
  • Sorting through in-kind donations

There are also numerous volunteer opportunities available at the Shelterhouse Resale Shop, including processing incoming donations and preparing them to enter the sales floor. Learn more about volunteer opportunities at the Shelterhouse Resale Shop on our website, shelterhouseresale.shop.

All questions regarding volunteering with Shelterhouse can be directed to Heather Smith, Director of Human Resources, at hsmith@shelterhousemidland.org or you can simply fill out the form below to express interest.

Volunteer Interest Form
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